Happy New Year!


Many of us use this time of year to evaluate last year and to set up new intentions and goals for the months ahead. For some of us, it’s an invigorating process. We’re excited about the progress we’ve made and the new heights we’re preparing to climb.


But for others, it can feel like déjà vu all over again.


We put forth honest effort but didn’t achieve what we wanted to achieve. We’re still far from the goals we set and we don’t know why.


In my recent Psychology Today article “I’m Just That Kind of Guy” I talk about one of the biggest blocks to getting your goals.


Oftentimes, the problem is not what you did or didn’t do, it’s that internal belief that says, “I’m just not that kinda guy (or gal).” You want to be slim and fit but “I’m just not the kinda gal who exercises regularly.” Your goal is to be debt-free but “I’m just not the kinda guy who can make a lot of money.” You want a great relationship but “I’m just not the kinda gal who connects well with people.”


You’ve got a goal, but your beliefs about who you are force you to swim upstream against a current that is strong and relentless. Some people can just tough it out and achieve their goals anyway. But that takes super-human effort. And there’s a much less stressful way to handle it.


Learn more by following this link to my Psychology Today article here: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/focus-forgiveness/201501/i-m-just-kinda-guy


Dr Matt