Photo: net_efekt




Earlier this week I posted an article about a study suggesting that ‘memories’ can pass generationally. While we’re on the topic of your mind, I came across another new study by Psychoneuroendocrinology that discovered specific molecular changes in the body after meditating. Here is a link to the summary explaining that: “mindfulness meditation can alter neural, behavioral and biochemical processes.”


In this study, researchers compared two different groups. One group had experienced meditators whose role was to meditate throughout the day. The other group had untrained subjects whose role was to enjoy a day of leisure, non-meditative activities.


After 8 hours, researchers compared the two groups. They found that the group of meditators showed a range of genetic and molecular differences (including reduced levels of pro-inflammatory genes, which correlates with faster recovery from stressful situations)!


“To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper that shows rapid alterations in gene expression within subjects associated with mindfulness meditation practice,” says Dr. Richard J. Davidson, the study author and founder of the Center for Investigating Healthy Minds.


Here is a link to an article via, which explains the study in greater detail.


Thank you to all the researchers involved in this study! As the article states, training your mind can absolutely have positive health effects. That’s why our NLP Trainings focus on how your thoughts, feelings and actions lead to your results!


Dr. Matt