Have you ever heard of the Ghost of New Years Past?
Me neither.
But I think Dickens’ old story, A Christmas Carol, is a good analogy of how too many of us run our lives:
We remember who we’ve been in the past, act it out again in the present, then project it into the future.
Then, when we’re reflecting on our lives and getting ready to set our goals for the new year, we’re totally surprised that we seem to be in the exact same spot as last year! We’ve got the same problems and the same unfulfilled desires. We don’t see different results in our lives because we remain the same person who created the old results. We take who we have been and slap that person into our present, yet hope to achieve different results!
Think about it: If Ebenezer Scrooge had remained the grumpy old coot from his past and present, would his future have looked any different? Nope. And neither will yours.
In my newest Huffington Post article, Ghosts of New Years Past, Present and Future, I offer 3 easy ways to break out of these patterns of the past so you can be a better you in the present and the future.
I figured giving you easy and useful techniques would be a lot easier than sending you perfectly tailored ghosts to spook you into changing your life. Plus if you’ve been to one of my trainings, you’ve heard me say that scare tactics and desensitization are statistically not as effective as the tools that I teach.
For my recent Huffington Post article, follow this link:
Dr Matt