Fear is Not Your Friend

Fear is Not Your Friend

Fear used to be an asset. When we homo sapiens wandered around the planet hundreds of thousands of years ago, fear was our key to survival. It warned us of real threats like that saber-tooth tiger stalking us or the avalanche about to run us over. It was helpful....
Breakthrough Your Limiting Beliefs

Breakthrough Your Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs are not something we are born with, we “decide” or come to believe them, sometimes consciously and sometimes not.   However, they came to us, these limiting beliefs can run our lives and prevent us from becoming who we want to become, doing what...
Breakthrough Your Limiting Beliefs

The Need for Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a theme that we should regularly visit because of its importance in our lives. And as we continue in this time of major shift, we are reminded that at our core, forgiveness is necessary.     The Empowerment Partnership is the leading authority...