Nov 13, 2016 | Personal Growth
“There are plenty of difficult obstacles in your path. Don’t allow yourself to become one of them.” — Ralph Marston I spend a lot of time writing and teaching about finding your path and living your purpose. We get to choose many different paths...
Nov 5, 2016 | Personal Growth
Aloha, I’ve been thinking about thinking lately. In much of my writing and most of my trainings, I focus on the unconscious mind because so many people are unaware of its power and the effect it has on their lives and outcomes. But it’s occurred to me...
Oct 28, 2016 | Goals & Goal Setting, Personal Growth
“Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.” — John F. Kennedy Why are you here? Who are you meant to be? That’s really the most important question you can answer. When you’ve answered that question, when you know your purpose,...