Feb 5, 2015 | Goals & Goal Setting, Health & Fitness, NLP / Neuro Linguistic Programming, Personal Growth
“Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” – Lou Holtz Enthusiasm. Inspiration. Passion. Motivation. Excitement. Just reading those words, don’t you feel a...
Jan 22, 2015 | Goals & Goal Setting, Huna / Hooponopono, Personal Growth
“It’s not an accident that musicians become musicians and engineers become engineers: it’s what they’re born to do. If you can tune into your purpose and really align with it, setting goals so that your vision is an expression of that purpose,...
Jan 15, 2015 | Goals & Goal Setting, NLP / Neuro Linguistic Programming, Personal Growth
Aloha, Have you ever heard of the Ghost of New Years Past? Me neither. But I think Dickens’ old story, A Christmas Carol, is a good analogy of how too many of us run our lives: We remember who we’ve been in the past, act it out again in the...
Jan 13, 2015 | Goals & Goal Setting, Health & Fitness, NLP / Neuro Linguistic Programming, Personal Growth
A baseball swing is a very finely tuned instrument. It is repetition, and more repetition, then a little more after that. Reggie Jackson Aloha, In a previous post, I addressed the question I get asked periodically by my NLP and Huna students: “I was doing so...
Jan 6, 2015 | Goals & Goal Setting, NLP / Neuro Linguistic Programming
Happy New Year! Many of us use this time of year to evaluate last year and to set up new intentions and goals for the months ahead. For some of us, it’s an invigorating process. We’re excited about the progress we’ve made and the new heights we’re preparing to...
Jan 1, 2015 | Goals & Goal Setting, Matt James, NLP / Neuro Linguistic Programming, Personal Growth
Aloha, Happy New Year! I don’t know about you, but I’m SO ready for 2015. There are so many great things already unfolding in this year, I can’t help but be excited. One of the things I love to do at the start of a new year is to...