Jul 19, 2022 | Huna / Hooponopono, Matt James, NLP / Neuro Linguistic Programming, Personal Growth
In my seminars, in both Huna (the indigenous spiritual path of the Hawaiian Islands) and NLP (neuro linguistic programming), I often talk about the awesome standard equipment we’ve all been given – brilliant brains, bodies that perform amazing functions in every...
Jul 13, 2022 | Matt James, NLP / Neuro Linguistic Programming, Personal Growth, Podcast
What drives your behavior at the deepest level? Did you know that there is something beyond beliefs that are driving how you spend your time and energy? This programming is called Values, and it drives everything that you do. You can create endless goals for what you...
Jul 6, 2022 | Matt James, NLP / Neuro Linguistic Programming, Personal Growth, Podcast
Listen to Dr. Matt’s live as he talks about being your true authentic self, so you are able to shine in your life. Empowerment, Inc. is the leading authority on NLP, Huna, Mental and Emotional Release®, and Hypnosis. For more...
Jun 22, 2022 | Huna / Hooponopono, Matt James, NLP / Neuro Linguistic Programming, Personal Growth, Podcast
Dr. Matt talks about how whether or not we can trust our memories. He explains how and why memories aren’t always accurate and how to keep positive memories. Empowerment, Inc. is the leading authority on NLP, Huna, Mental and Emotional...
Jun 21, 2022 | Huna / Hooponopono, Matt James, NLP / Neuro Linguistic Programming, Personal Growth
We see only what we believe. What we see then is not an objective reality but a reality that is based on our perception. This concept has been part of ancient wisdom for generations. Yet it’s only recently hit mainstream thinking, probably due to studies in the...
Jun 15, 2022 | Matt James, NLP / Neuro Linguistic Programming, Personal Growth, Podcast, Spirituality
Dr. Matt talks about what does NLP have to do with spirituality. How the Conscious Mind, the Unconscious Mind and the Higher Self relate to your purpose and to spirituality. Empowerment, Inc. is the leading authority on NLP, Huna, Mental...