Jan 10, 2024 | Matt James, NLP / Neuro Linguistic Programming, Personal Growth, Podcast
Failure is a part of life. We can either let failure hold us back or we can let it teach us what NOT to do, and move forward with confidence knowing that we are now one step closer to reaching our destination. If you find yourself struggling with moving past failure...
Jan 5, 2024 | Matt James, NLP / Neuro Linguistic Programming, Personal Growth, Podcast
How are you standing in your light? A cornerstone of personal empowerment is discovering and being authentically YOU! Learning how to avoid the opinions of others becoming your reality is key to real personal empowerment. Learn from Dr. Matt as he shares tips...
Dec 28, 2023 | Matt James, NLP / Neuro Linguistic Programming, Personal Growth, Podcast
Most people don’t know what personal growth is, and they don’t even know where to start creating positive, lasting change. They just keep going back to self-help books and watching videos that don’t give them what they truly need— results. Listen to Dr. Matt as he...
Dec 7, 2023 | Matt James, NLP / Neuro Linguistic Programming, Personal Growth, Podcast
How much you’re able to influence others depends on your self-accountability. It starts with YOU! Listen to Dr. Matt as he shares helpful tips on how to become more accountable and how to become more influential. Empowerment, Inc. is the...
Nov 30, 2023 | Huna / Hooponopono, Matt James, NLP / Neuro Linguistic Programming, Personal Growth, Podcast
How you get better at manifesting depends on knowing where you are in your life and how strong your foundation is. Do you need to bring in more resources like wealth? Or do you need to work on your inner journey of self-discovery? Listen to Dr. Matt as he...