Apr 27, 2012 | Matt James
My new book: Find Your Purpose, Master Your Path will be coming out in about a month or so. I wanted to provide you all with a chance to read a position of the book and help get the word out! Here is a PDF copy of a portion of the book. Enjoy! Link for Find...
Apr 10, 2012 | Huna / Hooponopono, Matt James - Video, Spirituality
Here is another video blog, and this one is on oia`i`o, which means truth in Hawaiian. It is important on the path to be truthful with yourself and others. Here is a brief discussion on this, and Skylar makes another guest appearance....
Apr 8, 2012 | Huna / Hooponopono, NLP / Neuro Linguistic Programming, Personal Growth
Defining Empowerment The three aspects of becoming conscious and empowered (part 1) I had so much extremely positive feedback from my article on Rethinking Spirituality, and I wanted to do a follow up that dealt with defining empowerment. ...
Apr 7, 2012 | Personal Growth, Spirituality
Overcoming Guru-phobia: Forgiving spiritual teachers who have let you down From my Psychology Today Blog: I received a comment on a blog post I recently wrote and it got me thinking about the need to forgive spiritual teachers when we feel they have let...