Aug 21, 2014 | NLP / Neuro Linguistic Programming, Personal Growth
Aloha, Most of us pop out of the womb with a fairly high degree of self-confidence. We haven’t yet started to judge ourselves as smart or dumb, handsome or homely. We haven’t yet built up notions of possible versus impossible, safe versus risky. And most...
May 27, 2014 | Entrepreneur & Wealth, Goals & Goal Setting, NLP / Neuro Linguistic Programming
Photo: Steven Depolo Everyone talks about setting and achieving goals. But I’ve been thinking lately that the goal-setting process is getting a bad rap. It’s becoming like flossing your teeth or creating a budget or “creating an eating plan.” Boring. No!...
Jul 18, 2013 | Matt James, NLP / Neuro Linguistic Programming, Personal Growth
“Racism isn’t born, folks, it’s taught. I have a two-year-old son. You know what he hates? Naps! End of list.” ~ Denis Leary Over the last couple of months, the discussion about racism and homophobia in this country has heated up again with the...