Jul 13, 2022 | Matt James, NLP / Neuro Linguistic Programming, Personal Growth, Podcast
What drives your behavior at the deepest level? Did you know that there is something beyond beliefs that are driving how you spend your time and energy? This programming is called Values, and it drives everything that you do. You can create endless goals for what you...
May 21, 2021 | Career, Entrepreneur & Wealth, Goals & Goal Setting, NLP / Neuro Linguistic Programming, Personal Growth
One of the traits that most highly successful business leaders and entrepreneurs have is decisiveness. They know that being indecisive rarely leads to success. Here are some keys to becoming a master decision-maker: Know Your Foundation The first...
Jan 18, 2017 | Goals & Goal Setting, Podcast
Have you ever wanted to tap into your deepest emotions? Do you know your values and what is important to you? Have you heard of MER® Mental and Emotional Release and want to experience it first hand? Then we have the weekend for you. Join...
Jun 16, 2016 | NLP / Neuro Linguistic Programming, Personal Growth
Aloha, Are your values really yours? Would you believe that most people I meet haven’t spent much time on this question. They tell me they’re too busy. What if I told you that becoming crystal clear on what is really important to you is the key to leading a...
Jun 2, 2016 | Entrepreneur & Wealth, Goals & Goal Setting, Matt James, Matt James - Research, MER - Mental Emotional Release®
Aloha, What does it take to have a millionaire mindset? Is it something you can learn or is it something you are born with? The short answer is it can be either. I came across this article on Yahoo called Millionaires Say 1 Factor Was Key in Making Them...