Jun 22, 2012 | Education, Matt James - Video, NLP / Neuro Linguistic Programming, Personal Growth
Hello, Recently several of my students have written some great questions asking about Cause & Effect. This video delves into the question: “Are you in charge of your results?” Thank you everyone who has written and asked about Cause &...
Jun 19, 2012 | Education, Huna / Hooponopono, Matt James - Video, Personal Growth, Spirituality
I’ve received some inspiring questions recently from students who have taken my Huna trainings. This blog offers some perspective on the light vs. the dark. If you’ve ever wondered if it was possible to fight the darkness with your light, please feel free...
Apr 10, 2012 | Huna / Hooponopono, Matt James - Video, Spirituality
Here is another video blog, and this one is on oia`i`o, which means truth in Hawaiian. It is important on the path to be truthful with yourself and others. Here is a brief discussion on this, and Skylar makes another guest appearance....
Apr 6, 2012 | Huna / Hooponopono, Matt James - Video, Spirituality
This video is about the deeper teaching of Aloha. Each of the letters represent a deeper teaching and this one is about Ala which is...
Apr 4, 2012 | Huna / Hooponopono, Matt James - Video, Spirituality
This video is about the deeper teaching of Aloha and the importance of understanding source. NLP.com and...